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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Swapping The values of X and Y in C-plusplus programming.

// bilal.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//compilar: visual studio 2008

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

int x;
int y;

cout<<" Enter the value of X : ";

cout<<" Enter the value of Y: ";

x = x + y;
y = x - y;
x = x - y;

cout<<" After Swapping the value of X is : "<<x<<endl;
cout<<" After Swapping the value of Y is : "<<y

return 0;


Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Find the Distance - Using C plusplus Programming Fundamental.

// programme to find the distance. //Entre the value of Velocity ,accelaration,and time.

//compilar - Microsoft visual studio 2008 #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream>; using namespace std; int main () { float vel,acc,time,dis; cout<<"Enter the value of VELOCITY "; cin>>vel; cout<<"Enter the value of ACCELERATION"; cin>>acc; cout<<"Enter the value of TIME"; cin>>time; dis=vel*time+0.5*acc*time*time; cout<<"Total Distance"<<dis; cout<<endl; system("pause"); return 0;


The Output of this programme is :

Monday, 22 September 2014

Find the Average of the three Number |C++ programming|

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>;

using namespace std;
int main()

float x,y,z,sum,avg;

cout<<"entre the values";cout<<endl;
cout<<"entre the first value";
cout<<"entre the second value";
cout<<"entre the third value";

cout<<"the totle average of the num is";



return 0;

Sunday, 21 September 2014

What are Translator and its types with full Definition and example.

What  are translator:
                                  It is a system software which is used to convert Assembly /High level language in to tarqet language is called machinelanguage.when we input some it process and a result it give us  out put.
translator processing

Types of translator:
                            (i)  Assembler
                                       (ii) Compilar
                                       (iii) Interpreter

(i) Assembler:
                       Assembler are those which convert assembly language into the machine language is called Assembler.
(ii) Compilar: 
                         Compilar that convert high level language programme source code into the Machine low low level programme called compilar .

(iii) Interpreter:
                             In computer programming are the programming language in which the programme are indirectly executed.interpreter executed the programme line by line .simple is that which convert source code line by line then the programme will executed.


Types of Computer languages | With full detail and Definition |

  Types of Computer Languages:
types of computer languages

Low Level Language
  •                                       Low Level Language are Basically Machine Codes in the form of 'o's and in the form of '1's
  • Computer Can understand and Execute only instruction in the form of Machine language
                                Types of Low level language
                         1) Machine Language
                         2) Assembly Language

1) Machine language:
  •                                         The set of instruction that a processor understand .
  • Machine language are the collection of binary bits and digits which the computer read and interpret.Machine languauge the only one language which the computer understand.without Machine language computer does understand the Instructions.
  • Machine language does not need any translator.
  • Machine depanded.
  • TheMachine Codes '0's and '1's are recongnized as electric  signals by the Computer.
2) Assembly Language:
  •                                         A low level language in which each statment correspond to the Machine code instruction.
  • Operations codes and operands are given in the form of Alphanumeric symbal know as mnemonic codes.
  • Assembly language is converted into the Machine codes by the programme called Assembler .
  • Its also Machine depanded.

High level Language:
  •                                                     Format closeto English language that enables people to write programme easily in thier own native language  high level language are easily to the programmer because in the Machine language its is too dificult to write the programme in the binary digits so that why we use high level language.
  • Programmes write in high level language must be translated in to the Machine language a Compilar or a interpreter.because Machine only understand Machine language only understand binary digits that is Machine language .
  • some Example of high level language are BASIC,COBOL,PASCAL,C,C++,JAVA,etc.


Saturday, 20 September 2014

Introduction Programming Fundamental | what is Computer |

newplusplus programming fundaments

=>What is Computer system: 
                                       Computer System
                                       2) Hardware
  1) Software has Also two types name as; 
                                                         a) System Software.
                                                         b) Application softwares.
a)System Software: 
                               System Software is a type of Software in which Control all the Hardware in the system is called System software.
    Example of System Software is :
                                       1) Operating language
                                       2) Compilar
                                       3) Translator
                                       4) Debuggars
                                       5) Drivers
b) Application Softwares:
                                           We can defined that Application Software is also a subclass of system Software which fullfill need the requirements of user .Specially Application Software are Design for user which perform their task directly through computer.some of the example of Application software is below.

  •  GAMES
 EMAIL filter is also a type of Application software.
                  *Application Software has also two types:
                                          a) Ready made Softwares.
                                          b) Geomatrically Softwares
a)Ready made software: 
                                        Ready made are  those software which  are  developed by the request of user for general purposes not necessary that all the module of such software are for the every user.
b) Gemmatically: